Friendly and Compassionate | Free Estimates | Since 1995
Friendly and Compassionate
Free Estimates
Since 1995
Memorialize your loved one's final resting place with an attractive marker from locally owned Cache Creek Monuments.
Our friendly and compassionate staff will help you choose the style that best suits the cemetery where the marker will be located.
Three basic designs are available.
Flat markers (foot stones)
Flat markers are usually four inches thick. They can be set in a number of ways.
Beveled markers
Slant markers
For knowledgeable help in choosing the marker you want, please
call us now. You also can request a free estimate during your call.
Kind Guidance
for community memorials
Call us today
(530) 662-4450
These guys did an awesome job! Thanks, Carl, for the amazing work!
- Brenda Orejel Vargas
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